Saturday, August 27, 2016

New minifig: Stephen King

Let me introduce you the latest member of my lego band: American horror writer Stephen King! I haven't told it yet, but my new obsession is him and I am really fond of his plots, characters, backgrounds, style, stories, etc... Plus, he is a super writing mentor to me, giving as much technic advices as tips on routine, motivation and mental. Thanks Mr. King!!!
Still preparing his appearance...

Tadaa!!! As you can notice, I made him look like in the 1970s.

I've also been lucky to get a pic of him in his writing room. You don't know how it is hard to get those kinf of pics... Even human Stephen King is pictured only once while working, you know, on this pic you can see on the On Writing cover. Still, as a lego, you can yet get nice pics of him, such as this one  with the ABBA legos:

As you may imagine by seeing this pic, A, B, B & F were cheerful to welcome the writer that inspired the lyrics of The Piper. Let's hope they'll collaborate as legos and go on with getting on well together!


  1. Your minifigs are sooo cute!! :D I'm so glad I was able to meet them!! ^^

    1. Aw, thanks! Yours are too. :) Yep, this was a great time. :D

  2. Hey this is Marcos here from the other Abba blog how did you discover my blog

  3. I got gimp like ABBAFan456 pass it to her

    1. Could you please talk politely?!
      Gimp, the software?

    2. Yes Gimp the software that she colorizes her drawings with

    3. I told her and she said to me you had already passed her the info.

  4. Oh my bad I forgot:P
