Monday, August 15, 2016

Thank you Becky!!!

I would like to thank very very much my good old BFF Becky, known as ABBAFan456 on blogger, for the great moment we have spent meeting each other! At least it had arrived, two weeks ago! BFF forever!
Also, thank you so so so so so making for making and offering to me these copies of her ABBA dolls! Aside from that, BFF forever, this are we! 
Tadaa!! Cute, huh? OMG, words are not enough how I am pleased and touched by this gift and how much you are good at sewing, Beck!
Here is the proof we met: my copy dolls, her original ones and my legos together! Speaking of legos, our both set of ABBA minifig got to know each othe, too!

And more, I thank her for this:

A pic signed by the three of Benny, Bjorn and Frida (Agnetha does not sign anymore, did you know?) OMG I'll never thank her and Gorel enough for that! Yahoo, counter indicates 2x Benny, 1xBjorn and 1xFrida!

And this:
The story of ABBA for young reader! version 1.0, you may have guessed. Let me say, the drawings are the cutest I have ever seen! Even it can seem a bit "kiddy", (huhu, Beck) you end by thinking it is cute, since it is a FULL BOOK about ABBA SELF-EDITED by TWELVE-year-old girl, even amazing! It is worth to read it, I have to say. 

Thanks sis for all those stuffs!

1 comment:

  1. They are cute you are so lucky to have her tell her I said that.
