Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Baudelairian past life

Back with another of my fav poems from our great old Charles Baudelaire. This one, "La vie antérieure", which could be translated as "Past life", is a sonnet taken from the Flowers of Evil, part Spleen and Ideal.

Enjoy your reading!


La vie antérieure

J'ai longtemps habité sous de vastes portiques
Que les soleils marins teignaient de mille feux
Et que leurs grands piliers, droits et majestueux,
Rendaient pareils, le soir, aux grottes basaltiques.

Les houles, en roulant les images des cieux,
Mêlaient d'une façon solennelle et mystique
Les tout-puissants accords de leur riche musique
Aux couleurs du couchant reflété par mes yeux.

C'est là que j'ai vécu dans les voluptés calmes,
Au milieu de l'azur, des vagues, des splendeurs
Et des esclaves nus, tout imprégnés d'odeurs,

Qui me rafraîchissaient le front avec des palmes,
Et dont l'unique soin était d'approfondir
Le secret douloureux qui me faisait languir.
Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867), The Flowers of Evil, "Spleen and Ideal", 1857-61-68
Previous Existence
For a long time I lived under vast colonnades,
Stained with a thousand fires by ocean suns,
Whose vast pillars, straight and majestic,
Made them seem in the evening like grottos of basalt.

The sea-swells, in swaying the pictures of the skies,
Mingled solemnly and mystically
The all-powerful harmonies of their rich music
With the colors of the setting sun reflected by my eyes.

It is there that I have lived in calm voluptuousness,
In the center of the blue, amidst the waves and splendors
And the nude slaves, heavy with perfumes,

Who refreshed my forehead with palm-leaves,
Their only care was to fathom
The dolorous secret that made me languish.

— Geoffrey Wagner, Selected Poems of Charles Baudelaire (NY: Grove Press, 1974)

As every poem in the book, it is one of the many and vain poet's attempts to get rid of his spleen. The way used here is the memory of an old, antical perfect place that can be the baudelairian Ideal.
Naturally this world is directly inspired from the parnassian poetical movement which has influenced Baudelaire since teenage. Inspired because it cannot be parnassian at all: the poet, that shows his presence in the verses, describes a little bit his feeling, and anyway, this poem inspires us a sort of idealistic, dreamy, paradise atmosphere, which isimpossible in a parnassian poem. Remember, one of the Parnasse caracteristics is not to be lyrical, so as to fight the huge place romanticism took at the moment.
Therefore we have here bits of romanticism; those are confidences from the poet; but it's not romanticism. We know the poet is here, however he seems to fade a little whereas the romantic poet talk about himself to himself: we know it's him and not Mr. Everybody. Baudelaire's poetry tends to be universal. Anyone of us can figure himself/herself in this past life and feel Baudelaire's Spleen. Well it's also possible with some romanticist texts, but less because it is most of the time too descriptive. Most of the romanticists show their feelings, Baudelaire and later the symbolists suggest them through symbols (I know, there aren't any symbol here). The key is suggesting an emotion, a feeling. You see, Baudelaire describes here his environment, and then we can feel through this description what he feels. The music and sounds help too.
Conclusion: this poem is some exalted parnassian and baudelairian one.

This poem confirms, too, that the Spleen is fatal and that there is no cure to it. The past life is a dreamy environment, with wonderful landscapes, where everything seems to be perfect, calm, rich, right, where the senses are well treated;and then we have the two last verses: there are some secrets that are hurting the poet's  mind. Plus note the i sound that makes an horrible noise. The Spleen eats our mind even in the Ideal. Poor us, poor Baudelaire. Human's mind will never change, and the Ideal is unreachable except through dreams.

Well, all of this illustrates partly the whole of Baudelaire's work, life, psychology and philosophy.

I hope those explanations are right and satisfy everyone, though they are not organised. I could do a whole commentary of this; anyway would it be useful?

Friday, June 23, 2017

Shall you get flowers of evil for this anniversapoetry?

Let's wish some bitter-sweet feeling to Charles Baudelaire's grave so as to heal his poor damned soul. Superior forces have mercy of you, our dear poet!

160 years ago, a ragged, depressed, bullied, misunderstood but genius, modern and ingenious dandy and poet - that deserves now to be called the vert first modern! - published his lifetime poetry book that had cost him 15 years of Spleen fighting and that would be condemned two months later. Damn it and the censorers. Anyway, we still talk about it nowadays...

To celebrate this prodigious book, I'll be posting some of mmy fav poems from both 1857 and 1861 versions.
Therefore, let's begin with "Correspondances", that is one unless THE key of the baudelairian poetry and the bases of symbolism, theorising and illustrating the two forms of correspondances: vertical and horizontal or synesthesia. Vertical ones make links between our material world and the invisible world of the Truth behind the things, or matches senses with ideas. Synesthesias are links between senses, aka like Frida you're hearing images, you're seeing songs no poet has ever painted (ABBA - I Let the music speak). Naturally I give you the origina version, in French.

La Nature est un temple où de vivants piliers
Laissent parfois sortir de confuses paroles;
L'homme y passe à travers des forêts de symboles
Qui l'observent avec des regards familiers.

Comme de longs échos qui de loin se confondent
Dans une ténébreuse et profonde unité,
Vaste comme la nuit et comme la clarté,
Les parfums, les couleurs et les sons se répondent.

II est des parfums frais comme des chairs d'enfants,
Doux comme les hautbois, verts comme les prairies,
— Et d'autres, corrompus, riches et triomphants,

Ayant l'expansion des choses infinies,
Comme l'ambre, le musc, le benjoin et l'encens,
Qui chantent les transports de l'esprit et des sens.

Charles Baudelaire
Video by DODV14TakerFan

Sunday, June 4, 2017


Yep. Attacks. Again.

What else do I have to say?
What else?
Tell me, what else?

Back then it was in Paris
Now it is London
And Syria's still hurt


I would like to tell
That I don't care
Cause this is really killing my mind.

Art is supposed to cure
So why should I force myself
To write about some topics that are like virus?

This is ludicrous
Our time will certainly be called the engaged poem period
Too much terror too much engaged poetry
Will we have one poet to shake death?
One poet as noisy as Rimbaud?
Arthur I miss you

But this happened
In Paris
In Alep
In Turkey
In Afghanistan

What can we do?
Let them do? Venge ourselves?


Wait inside the night
Try to live
To be passioned
To reach good old times
To read
To read even those annoyingly right poets

Be brave

I know saying it is useless
Anyway some would tell you we are one voice one silence
One person

Let serve ourselves
And the others

Ronsard talked about Carpe Diem
Listen to him

Don't let those fool beat you down
You're worther than them
They are human beings for sure
And no human is perfect
Even you
Even me
Even Saints

Write poetry or any litterary genre
Be artsy
Be yourself

Go inside yourself
Find your inconscient part of yourself
Marry it with your conscient part
And live as you wish

Yeah arts are a consequence of suffering

But aren't we pursuing the curse to Happiness?

Be happy

Nobody knows what one can do
The best
Or the worst

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

To Mr Trump

Mr Trump sometimes seems to forget that most of the US population has migrants as ancestors...

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Newborn albatross

Some poetry would have fitted, yes. However as I have not written yet some pieces for our master, whose year is this year, here we go with the traditional message.

Charles Baudelaire would be 196 today. One of our dearest writers of all the time. Probably one of the most talented poet of the 19th century. I'm sure you've already fallen of ectasy while ready the Flowers of Evil.
Parnasse, romanticism, symbolism, matching stuff, mediumism, all those, I have to say, brought their brick to the litterary history. Baudelaire joined the all,you may know. Tasty style, fascinating topics, strange and pathetic life, and a wonderful poetic. A damned poet. THE damned poet with all the dreamy concepts around, a damned poet who predicted once his fame of nowadays, as wished in The death of artists. A poet, an art critic, a thinker. Read The Spleen of Paris, it is worth.

Dear Mr Baudelaire, you have suceeded in souls and heart. You have touched my soul and my heart. And even if you're damned and unfriendly I'll never let you down. An aspiring poet speaks and thanks you for every little advice and wonder you offered me indirectly while she was in love with your poems.

Therefore I say, happy birthday to you, who has found pleasure and end to your suffer away from Earth and Life.


Here we go with the usual post I should have posted days ago if Blogger had not decide to pester me.

I can hear you, Sweden is not the most mutilated country. However, how horrible all these attacks can be, when Sweden is hurt I am stabed, because Sweden gave me dreams and hope about the future of our planet. Sustainable developpment, does anyone know that? (Probably not Mr Trump. Climate change is made in China, for sure)

Consequently I owe to tell to all Swedes : Vi står fast vid dig, we stand by you.
However: let’s let Sweden now and look at what’s happening:
Syria. Poutine. Trump. Islamist state. attacks.

That is of a kid’s game.“You shot me, I’ll shoot you.”
Basschar al Assad throw gaz. Trump destroys some syrian bases. Result: attacks. And dead, dead, dead bodies, death everywhere.


And - well, nothing proves it, it’s just a hypothesis - have you seen how Trump and Poutine are closed? We’re in a fake second Cold War. The US support rebels and Russia support the governement. US and Russia are indirectly fighting. Reminds you of something, yeah?

Well I’m not against the fact 2 countries are opponent ideologically - nobody’s perfect. However, when it comes to be a real conflict where citizens feed beasts called war, violence and greedity, there, I cannot accept it.

My speech may sound naive and common to you - who hasn’t once in his life declared to be against means of violence, though one would know this is mostly useless? I’m young, naive, weird, passionated an fed up with the miseries of our world. A time has to come when these can’t touch you anymore. And that is a shame, dear politicians and terrorists. Cause you kill hope. You kill living hope and intern hope. You kill the last flame in a heart which wish a better world. You murder people that would have offered a lot, that would have changed our world by discovering how to cure some disease, that would have helped to destroy crisis, to develop some poor countries, to repare our mistakes on climate change, to judge maffia, to put democratic or at least decent regimes everywhere, or simply, to make a better daily life to their relatives, neighbors, etc, or to let born some passion or hobby in a head that could become a great artist.

My message is simplist and naive, it has been said time and time again, but I had to tell it. I care about humanity, though, as every imperfect human I can’t always be commited
So here is the thing that poses a problem: Poutine and Trump are friends. Gaz attack in Alep. Trump reacts. Everyone acclames him for his speech, declares he is now a real president.
Trump will never be a sustainable, a good president for our future planet if he can’t realise the environnemental problems. The only president that would be efficient and hearted for such a country would consist of a mix between an actualised JFK, Obama and Victor Hugo (my beloved!).

Well, people declare Trump is now really a president of the US.

Strange, yeah?

Who knows if Trump hasn’t asked Poutine to ask Al Hassad to attack, so that Trumpy’s popularity goes up worldwide? I have no proof of it, it is only a thought.
World has always been corrupted, it is now and it will be forever. However we all have bits of power to modify a little thing. (Well, myself I have to say I can’t really believe it). You aren’t Lorenzo-zaccio!

The best thing to put an end to Islamism is to convince terrorist to change their minds, or to wait for something that would make it. At an end some will begin to resist.

Hope, don’t let us down….

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Editing at last!!!

Poetry out now: "Arkham-Providence"

Hi everyone!
I'm here this time to promote the poetry of a young writer that is a friend of mine, and who is publishing for the first time of her life on !   Her piece is a tribute to Lovecraft called "Arkham-Providence"; Lovecraft fans may appreciate it!
Beware, it is in French cause this friend is French.

SFMAG is a famous Science-Fiction magazine that gives a good place to the Recluse of Providence and other  genius author!

Here is the link:


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming

On the 15th of March 1937 a strange, thin and ignored man passed away in Providence. This man was born in the wrong century, it is said now. He should better have lived in the victorian age or with Edgar Allan Poe, we affirm. Cause this man did not fit at all with his 1920s and 1930s. But, as every damned artist, he was sent to build up something. Creating mythos like Cthulhu or Dagon, exploring the Universe and his theory further than Einstein, challenging Freud on dreams and matching his dark influences and his nightmares, he engendered the basis of dark fiction: fantasy, fantastic, science-fiction.

Howard Phillips Lovecradt died at the age of 46, humiliated in pulp and unknown in "high litterature" (you can't be Fitzgerad or Steinbeck as easily as you're minding it) suffering both physically and mentally; he died as a gentleman, as he nearly always had been, never complaining, seeing from high things like money and modernity. Yes, sure he was racist. And his hatred inspired him some of his text that are the best in supernatural fiction. But apart from this he was a great man, a great writer.

Howard Phillips Lovecraft passed away 80 years ago. Happy death anniversary to the one who is Providence.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Fed up with that routine

Ok, so, there was an attack, again? We'll have another info focus?

Tell those terrorists that murdering that often is just boring and despering. I'm fed up a way that doesn't make me feel anything than a little bit of a shock. You're using yourself, abusing us. Stop, will you be pleasant?
Don't you see you're just letting your own member on the way to death? This man that attacked at the Louvre is in hospital. Maybe he's a terrorist, but first a man.
At least there were no innocent victims this time, no crying families, Peace hasn't been really shot on.
Still, let's act for Peace! Use words, or arts, or prayer, or marchs, or even silence to build it! This is our only way!
Maybe I'm too young and too naive, but I'm like Lennon a dreamer! Everyone can be Yoko Ono! I know Muslims, I know Jewes, I know transsexual, I know gays I know metallers, I know French (I'm French ^^) Italians, Brits, German, Swedes, Dutch people, Spanish, Swiss, Austrian, Canadians, Americans, Peruvians; And we've always been living altogether in a way that is of the calmest and most peaceful!

Anyway I offer a minute of silence to the hospitalised policeman and that terrorist so that he realises what he's really doing.

Let's give peace a chance!!!

Oh, and please tell Trump that we don't want his 2nd amendment in our country. No thanks, Mr Trump, go build your walls on an exoplanet and let those innocent Iranians and Irakians the States, those States of freedom that you're chaining with your hair and you stupidity. You're to JFK and Obama what Napoleon III has been to the great, brillant Victor Hugo and his genius fellow writers. But you're human and I respect you; so get back to a human phase...